Thursday, February 24, 2011

Same Song, Different Country

On Wednesdays I don’t have class so we’ve dubbed it “Beach Adventure day”. We decided to go to Watson’s Bay this week and it was beyond words. It’s semi-secluded so we shared the beach with maybe 20 other people. There is a nude beach about 300 meters away from our spot and some people were confused so we saw a few naked women but it was hilarious to see the boys following them around.

We ended up playing with a little boy, only 1 years old! He was the cutest, and we played with him for about an hour until his dad came over to say they had to go. As they were leaving his dad called his name to get his attention. Joey. This isn’t the first time I’ve thought about Joey here. I still think about him daily, and miss him immensely. After I got home I put my ipod on shuffle and “Still Here” by Natasha Bedingfield came on my shuffle which is a classic song that brings me back to the memories I have of Joey. This seemed to be the cherry on top, but all in all I’m thankful I’m here and I’m thankful that Joey’s memory seems to be living on, even in the land of Oz.

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