Sunday, February 13, 2011

Tomorrow, tomorrow I’ll be there tomorrow

Went to an Eco-Park aka Fijian Zoo today! It was fun, but long and tiring. Especially after all the dancing last night. I fell asleep the entire way to the Park (about 2 hours) so I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little grumpy while walking around in the heat. The first thing we saw were turtle and I love turtles. I was pumped to get to see them, but then I heard our tour guide say that they live 100 years but they only live in the zoo for 3 or 4 and then they release them into the wild. I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t know much about turtles but I do know a 1 thing for sure. You can’t take in a turtle and then release it into the wild because it wont be able to survive on its own after it’s had it’s food handed to it. I know this because when I found out my turtle will live until he is 45 I looked into another living situation…like “freeing” it. Not a possibility. With a mixture of my grumpiness and little knowledge of turtles I asked the tour guide if that was safe to release it. He said it was and they give it one month “training” to fend for itself. I’m not buying it. The other animals were cool but we all felt like it was a waste of time since we were starving, tired and just wanted to go to the hotel in Nadi.

Once we finished up the eco-park we went to a hotel and ate a little lunch. Very good. They gave us some ice cream for dessert and I was very pleased.

We hit the road again and stopped at this Hindu temple to have another tour. It was pretty interesting. Hinduism is one religion I really know nothing about so it was a good learning experience. They have a lot of gods. It made me really glad to only have one God.

After the temple we finally made it back to the hotel. Everyone pulled out their computers right when we got off the bus so the internet was so slow! We had, had enough of the hotel food so we ordered pizza. In reality it was probably horrible but we missed American food so much that while we were eating it we thought it was the best pizza in the world. After pizza we watched these fire dancers, and it wasn’t the lame kind you see in the States. Fire dancing is life for certain tribes. It was out of this world. When the dancing was over Shelby (one of my roommates from the homestay) and I watched Across the Universe. The little reminders of America always warm my soul.

I can’t believe that I will be in Sydney tomorrow. I won’t have to live out of a suitcase anymore. I’ll finally have a home. I’ll have reliable internet. A cell phone. Don’t get me wrong it’s been great to take a break from technology, but I’m excited for structure in my life again. 5:50 am tomorrow I will be on my flight to Sydney! I can’t believe it’s here.

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