Friday, January 28, 2011

T-Minus 6 days

Tonight is my going away party! Pretty excited. One of my good friends from Arkansas is driving down to Texas just to visit me before I leave. (I have truly been blessed with great friends) So that will be extremely exciting! I can't believe I will be boarding a plane in a few short days! This time will either fly by or move unbearably slow. I'm unsure of which I'd rather.

I recently found out that while I'm in Fiji there wont be any hot water. This is one of the worst things that I can imagine since I love taking scorching hot showers. I tried to take a shower today with cold water and wanted to cry. I think normal people would consider it "luke warm" but to me it was freezing. This truly will be an adventure.

Anyways, I'm really looking forward to blogging during my trip and wanted to get it started off with a bang!


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