Whose idea was it to travel to the north via car during the winter?!
For the past 13 days I have been a traveling machine!
6 different beds.
8 times moving luggage in.
8 times moving luggage out.
927 miles + 2,481 miles (3,408)
This trip was suppose to be over today but because the snow wanted to "teach me a lesson" I'm "stuck" (but really, having a great time) at the Morrison's house in Spring Hill, Tennessee.
By the grace of the Lord I haven't gotten too lost, and I always seem to find my way back. The first few days of my trip were awesome, but I soon started to feel homesick. I kept looking at the date and realizing it'd be another week or so before I was back in my own bed and I felt slightly discouraged. I guess most people can see where this is going...
I can't even imagine being lost for 40 years like the Israelites. I'm not even "lost"...I've just hit a small "detour" and home feels so far away (probably because it's 10 hours). I've had to depend on God to remain grounded, not just once at the beginning of the trip but every day. While reading my devotional the other day (you can read a snip of it here) Chris Tiegreen spoke of the days when the Israelites walked and walked... and walked. And depended on the Lord for their bread. Daily. The bread that the Lord provided for them wouldn't last more then one day so they had to continue to trust that God would give them bread. How neat is that picture. God knew that if He gave them bread monthly they wouldn't rely on Him daily. Tiegreen talks about how this principle applies to so many different things. If one day of prayer covered the whole week, we wouldn't need a real relationship. If one day of repentance covered the whole month we wouldn't need a real relationship.
I'm thankful the Lord showed me this before I declare my independence and journey off to Australia to live on my own. And I hope that encourages other people as well, and reminds them that we can't just eat once a week (Sunday) and expect to be full for the next 7 days.
Good one God.
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