This is a topic I may have talked about before but after spending some good quality time with Jesus I feel like it deserves it's very own blog post.
As many of you know (since only 3 people read this...hi mom!) I have applied to study a semester in Australia. I've been praying about this trip for over a year and this past summer decided the Lord was giving me the go ahead leading up to a 4 month long application process. After finishing the online application, getting a passport, filling out flight information, housing information, medical information, background information, emergency contact information, signing agreement and release forms, picking my classes, writing a personal essay, getting an academic reference and mailing 5 2x2 photos of myself (2x2 photos are harder to get then they seem!) I have been in a 3 week long season of waiting. I recently found out that the 15 hours I took last semester at the good 'ole UNT weren't good enough so 1.5 weeks after finishing my entire application I was told that I needed to write another essay on academic excellence and get a different academic reference to fill out a form and write a letter of recommendation. Needless to say, a lot of paperwork and time have been involved.
The first week I was nervous. I thought about my acceptance (or nonacceptance) pretty much every minute of every day. If I wasn't in class or had a free moment to check my phone I was checking my application status and email to look for an update or a change. Nothing happened.
The second week I made a deal with myself that every time I thought about Studying Abroad or my application I'd pray for a different Young Life kid, since it was clearly becoming a huge idol in my life. It worked very well and I stopped thinking about studying abroad and started thinking more about the ministry I'd committed to and the kids I care so deeply about.
The third week I have become very content. Honestly at this point I know that either way it goes that the Lord has accomplished what I set out to do. Even before I started praying about studying abroad I started praying about having a richer and more childlike faith. I've been praying for a better prayer life. And most of all I've been praying for patience. Through this entire experience every single one of those prayers has been answered.
The Lord put this incredible desire in my heart to study abroad on July 23rd, 2009, and I have prayed almost every single day since then. I didn't desire to study abroad thinking that it would change my relationship with Jesus but because of that desire it drove me into prayer. Daily prayer. Something I had wanted but never been able to accomplish.
I have been forced to wait. I always talk about how I am the "exception" to almost every rule. How a coke machine could work for every single person but the one time I put my money in it doesn't work. This applies to almost every aspect of my life and I've learned to deal with it. Being the one person that's application was put on hold didn't surprise me. Most people hear back from their study abroad advisor within 48 hours, but my application has been completed for 3 weeks. I've been forced to be patience and through that patience I've learned to enjoy the little things. I've learned how much it doesn't matter if I go study abroad or stay in the states. Life goes by quickly, but the Lord stays the same. Waiting has become sweet because I know that in the end, no matter what happens to me the Lord is there and there is more to learn and even more to do.
There is something about having faith that is so sweet. I've come to a point where I've been able to take a step back and look at the situation. I've been given options for every outcome possible and am content with whatever God has in store for me. I know I have purpose either way it goes. Does that mean I don't desire to study abroad or I wont be upset about not getting into the program? Absolutely not! But I know either way the cookie crumbles that God will be glorified and my relationship with Christ will not be shaken, and the joy I find in that is so fulfilling.
Truly, either way the study abroad situation goes I am thankful. I have been given an incredible opportunity to learn what trusting the Lord and finding comfort in Him loos and feels like and if I was given the choice to do this all again, I would do it in a heart beat. That being said, if you get a chance or you think about it when your closing your prayers please do pray I find favor in the hearts of my advisors as they are making their last decision about allowing me to study abroad. Pray for God glory in my life through this situation, and pray I am comforted when the final decision is made.
I'll let you know an update as soon as I know. Thank yall for all your support and listening to me moan and grown for the past year and 1/2!
Update: I just received news that my application has been accepted! Praise the Lord!
I am studying next semester in Australia as well! I am going to Wollongong. I am so sorry to hear about all the obstacles you're having to face. But, I love how you're going to God for it all. He has a great master plan and will most certainly work out what is best for you.
ReplyDeletePlease keep me posted about all your travel and abroad details. Maybe we could meet up sometime at the Starbucks on campus and chat or something of the sort! Have a great day.
Absolutely! I'll be in Sydney but I looked on googlemaps and there is a train from Sydney to Wollongong! Looking forward to it!