So I've been in Arkansas for a week! Everything has started to settle down here and my friends FINALLY started to move in! My roommate moved in on Tuesday and things have been really good! Tonight we are planning a girls night out and I'm pretty excited about it! Hopefully we'll start to get to know each other a lot better and decorate our living room at some point! Chloe and I had an awesome talk last night and we seem to be into a lot of the same stuff. Like for example God. He's pretty tight. Plus 5
The other day I got a fishy and named him Cairns (after Cairns, Australia) and painted Australia on his fish bowl so he feels at home. I really think its going to work out. He is a beautiful blue Crowntail Betta, pictures will be up soon! Plus 4 (originally it was just plus 3 but I figure since it's a living creature I'll give it plus 4)
YOUNGLIFE IS STARTING! I went to the first leadership meeting last night and it was incredible. As most of you (since my mother is the only one that reads this) know I am a High School leader now and we just got some incredible news! A club room has been donated to us kind of and we'll start up at some point having regular clubs there! We really want to build relationships first and have 25-30 committed kids for our first club. It's going to be off the charts. Plus 6 for new/awesome club room and YoungLife excitement
Tomorrow is the first day of classed. Let's just say I'm not exactly thrilled because it means no more summer and study study study. I'm in Arkansas for school so I'm going to do my best and work through it, go to classes and what not but I wish I could be a little closer to home. Maybe 2 hours? That'd be great. So tomorrow/Wednesday/Friday I have Psychology & Art Lecture and then Tuesday/Thursday I have Communications, Human Diversity & Western Civ 1. This will be interesting. Minus 1
Everything else in my life seems to be pretty good. I am happy, I just wish I could fast forward to graduation and start actually living my life. There are many reasons for this that I may express one day on here. I may have to put my study abroad trip on hold and attempt to graduate early and work/go to school full time next summer to do so. We'll see and I'll be praying about it. No points.
As you can see I've decided to give my blogs points now. I'm liking it so far.
Total points= 14
Please be praying about my study abroad trip, money for school, Fayetteville High School YoungLife, possibly moving back to Texas, Frisco YoungLife, relationships, my roommates, Kristin and my 40 days of believing God, school and health.
I've also decided how I feel about drinking/such. My position is much like my vegetarianism position, and putting it into that perspective I finally understand. Follow me for a second.
I am a vegetarian because I like it. I don't really enjoy putting bad things into my body like hormones and who knows what.
I don't drink because I don't really enjoy putting bad things into my body that will alter my morals.
I don't mind when others eat meat around me or eat meat in general. That's their choice. It just makes me sad because some people have no idea how bad meat can potentially be if you don't get the good stuff.
I don't mind when others drink around me or drink in general. That's their choice. It just makes me sad because some people really think they need alcohol or others that don't even think about it they've just been doing it for so long because of peer pressure that they don't know anything else -- some don't even know they started.
I am missing out on some protein but I can get it in SO many other places! [Beans, Soy yadda yadda yadda]
I am missing out on some "fun" but honestly have you met me? You think I need alcohol to have a better time than I'm already having? I don't need alcohol to help me have fun or relax because I can have a good time without it.
Again I'd like to stress that I have nothing against meat eaters, or people that drink all the time/casually/socially/whatever floats your boat. It's just something I choose not to do and I hope everyone respects that, just like I respect everyone that decided to drink. No judgment, just observation.
I guess to me, I just don't understand why?
To have a good time? What is keeping you from having a good time without it?
To relax? I guess I'm silly but can't you just take a nap or read a good book? How about getting a massage?
To have an excuse to act crazy? Why do you need an excuse? Are you scared to be yourself?
I guess I'm just a kid.