At bible study tonight we talked about blogs and it reminded me of something I use to have...oh wait, no I still have one of these suckers. Autumn brought up an idea, what if everyone had a blog? I'd imagine it'd be a lot of complaining and whining (welcome to my blog), but whining aside it would remind everyone that those people you interact with every day- they have souls. They have thoughts. They have feelings. They have lives outside of you.
Let's take a look at the last 24 hours.
About this time last night I was in Walmart trying to find ink for my moms printer so I could print out my sisters bridal invitations and get them mailed before I went out of town. I walked into Walmart with a bad attitude and passed the greeter, wait why is he still here? Does he work every night at midnight? Why doesn't he get to greet people in the day time? He seemed nice. Does he have multiple jobs and this is just his second or third one of the day? What would his blog say? Soul. Now I'm practically sprint-walking to the electronic section because it's been a long day, too long. Woops, since I was walking too fast I almost ran into a night time shopper coming out of the spice isle with his cart. Soul. What was he doing out so late? Was everything ok at home? Does he have a wife and kids back home and couldn't sleep? Or maybe this is when he did his shopping to avoid all the chaos during the day? He seemed nice as well, he apologized for almost running into me even though I knew it was my fault and I took his apology and wished him a nice night. Finally hanging the sharp left towards the electronics. Passed the shoe section and saw a worker stocking the shoe department. Wait, now that I think about it there were tons of workers stocking the food isles that I over looked. Do they restock every night? It seems as if every night I come to Walmart they are restocking. Why were they working the late shift? What would their blogs say? Are they content with Jesus? Is this job a ministry opportunity? Or are they looking for something more? Are they the type of people that just go to work and go home without any social interaction? Soul, Soul, Soul. Ahhh the electronic section! Of course I walked down every single isle until I found myself at the end of the electronic section where they keep the printer ink. They only have 4 ink options! Wait, I think I saw a women stocking some products by the electronic help desk. Again, what is she doing working so late? I usually praise Sam Walton for 24 hour Walmart's but I never thought about the people working? These people aren't on a very good sleep schedule. Maybe they can't sleep, and they want something to do. Maybe this job is a blessing not a curse. Soul. Found more ink for printers. Of course they don't have the ink I need. I'll go ask that women working, she doesn't look too overwhelmed. Who am I kidding? She has at least 15 unopened boxes and looks as tired as I feel. I ask anyways, she has no clue but opts to opening a box of random printer stuff and dumps it on the floor to sift through. That's not going to be fun to pick up and put away. A man and a women walk up in their pajamas and ask about censoring in movies, the worker doesn't know. 2 Souls. What were they doing? Do they realize it's already midnight and they want to buy a movie and watch it now? Why am I so tired? They don't look tired. What would their blog say? Do they love each other? They are obviously dating. Maybe their married? The worker continues to look through the pile of random printer stuff for my ink. A women and 3 kids walk up to the worker. 4 Souls. Wait, does SHE know what time it is? Why does she have those kids out at midnight! She tries to control them but she looks too stressed to care at this point. She proceeds to ask the worker, I wish I looked at her name, if they carry a charger for her phone. Apparently her husband came back from IRAQ today and her phone died and she cant call him and the other Walmart didn't carry her phone's charger and she's been driving around trying to find one. The worker turns to me and tells me they don't have the ink for my printer. Are you kidding?! All that for nothing. I guess I'll find a different Walmart. I ask the worker where the closest Walmart is and she doesn't know. The women with the 3 kids tells me the closest 4 Walmart's are. She was a big help. I feel bad for getting annoyed when she interrupted me earlier. Now I really fly down the isles on the way to my car. Finally out of the walmart, and on the phone trying to call the one 5 miles away. A women answers and has no idea what an "Epson Printer" is and tells me they don't have ink for it. What was she doing working late? Where was her office? She answered pretty quickly and knew what kind of ink they had without hesitating. Was that her job? To just answer phones? Soul. On to the next Walmart. In fear of them rejecting me I opted not to call and thought I'd just wing it. This one was 6 miles away but it'd be ok because it was already 12:45. Walk past the greeter, again another nice man. Soul. What were all these nice men doing out so late? What did they want to be when they grew up? Is being a Walmart greeter their hopes and dreams? Running to the back of the store this Walmart seems unoccupied. Electronic section. My ink! They have it! On to the check out lane. There is a man infront of me in line, but I'm too keen on figuring out if I want the kit-kat or just a hersheys chocolate bar. I pick the kit-kat. It's my turn to pay. A man puts his stuff behind mine but doesn't put a divider. He was with a girl, they were older. What were they doing out late buying planters soil? Weird. The cahier was quite. I wonder what his plans were for after work. Not in a weird way, just I wonder what his life consists of. He was nice. The night is complete! Hardly. I make my way back to Melissa to print out the invitations. I pass a few cars but not too many. Souls, Souls, Souls. Finally get back to Melissa and work until 6:30 with my mom on the invites and get them done just in time for her to leave for work. What a great mom. Quick nap and on the road again to Denton. A nap should be in my near future but I needed to get the invites out or staying up all night to finish them would be pointless. Stop by the post office. I stayed at the front door an extra 15 seconds to hold the door for a random man. He was so grateful. Soul. On my way to the back I run into Adam, one of my 3 friends that hang out around Denton. We talk for about 30 minutes. I really am grateful for him and Autumn in my life. At least 20 people pass us. 20 Souls. It's the time I've been dreading, waiting in the Post Office line. I dislike this post office the most because it sometimes takes an hour just in line. I walk inside and they have 4 workers. They've never had that many people working the front before. There are 6 people in front of me. One older women with a lot of makeup smiles at me. I smile back. Soul. It only takes 15 minutes to purchase my stamps. Success. I wonder how long theses postal workers have been here. Everyone hates the post office, so I know they get a hard time pretty much all day. They must be tired. They must be passionate about being a postal worker for still working here. What would their blog say? The man that helps me was so nice. He has always been my favorite and the one that I secretly hope to get every time I have to go in. I put the stamps on my invites and sense someone looking at me. I look up. Bingo. A man looked interested in what I was doing but I was too tired to care. Soul. Dump the invites into the mail slot and head out to my car. Start the car. Finally pull into my apartment complex and stop to pay my rent. Melissa was working and she is my favorite worker so I felt safe giving her my rent check. What could be keeping her at these crappy apartments? She is such a mother figure it makes me feel a lot better about not knowing anyone in this town. Soul. Get back in my car and drive to my apartment. Unload my car and crash on the couch for a few minutes. Check the TV to see if Boy Meets World recorded. TV doesn't work. Internet doesn't work. Call Verizon. On hold for 30 minutes and finally connect to an actual human. He was nice. I wonder wehre he lives. Did my call stay in America? Soul. The line cuts out. I call back and wait on hold for 15 minutes. Someone answers only long enough to say hello before I accidentally end the call. Soul. Call for the 3rd time only to get a call on the other line from the first man that I talked too. Thankful. He sets up a mechanic to come out but he wont be here until tomorrow. Finish up the conversation and end the call. Call Crossroads where I got a speeding ticket. A young sounding women answers and tells me that my ticket wont be in the system until next week. I'm going out of town on Monday. This is not good. Was she being lazy and not processing it or were the computers really slow. It's a small town, it's no Dallas. Soul. Hang up the phone. Bible Study. Soul, Soul, Soul. Pull some wires and fix my internet. Type blog.
Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Hebrews 13:1-2 These people have souls. These people could be on the verge of finding Jesus. They could already have a great foundation. We would never know if we didn't care. They could be angels, for all we know.
When I started this blog, I thought it would be quick. I didn't realize how many people I'd actually interacted with in 24 hours. How many people have you seen in the last 24 hours? How many souls did you over look?
What a great blog, Becca. I have been curious about strangers' stories for a long time but often I do overlook those that I pass by each day. I love this reminder. You could really be a writer. Love ya, girl.